Posted by Cathy K on Dec 30, 2018
During the “Membership Month”, we had a task to figure out how to engage members in our club .......
Five members of Susitna Rotary are enrolled in District 5010 Leadership Academy. During the “Membership Month”, we had a task to figure out how to engage members in our club to be more active and participate in events. That being said, our group decided to create “Susitna Rotary Fellowships”.
The first one organized is the Susitna Rotary Snowmachine Fellowship. The entire club was invited to join the group. Our first event was last weekend, hosted by Kim and Trygve Erickson at their home on Long Lake. Ever the great hosts and guides,
Kim and Tryg had 5 couples at their home for the weekend. We rode the Willow Trails, ate great food, spent the night in their lovely home, and had good wine! Best of all, the Fellowship shared was awesome!. Looking forward to our next outing. 
This was a great idea that came from our involvement in District Leadership Academy.  If you have not taken it, you should, good things come from brainstorming issues.  Just a plug for the Leadership Academy!
(Credit to Kathy Timm for her great story and Kim Erickson for her wonderful photos!)