Posted on Oct 30, 2023

The India dam project is going fantastically well. Working hard in the 90+ degree heat building the water catchment dam with a small team of Rotarians and about 45 local villagers that we have hired to help. When it is completed, the dam will provide a clean, year-round source of water and allow the local villagers to increase their crop yields by 200-300%.  From what we have seen, this is literally the difference between extreme poverty and prosperity. 
After spending a week in the village, we have come to appreciate how much they rely on the food they grow. Without water the crops fail and people will suffer or die. We have seen public cremations that are a stark and somber reminder of the quality of life they know in these villages.

Today we had a ceremony to dedicate the dam and we unveiled a monument recognizing district 5010 for sponsoring the project with DDF and club contributions.  I don’t know exactly how to put it into words, but I’ve been brought to tears every night as the local villagers come to our camp, invite us into their homes, and express their thanks for what Rotary has brought to their village and the impact it will make on their lives by having a year-round supply of clean water. 

Honestly, the local villagers don’t understand what “Rotary” is, but they know someone in the world cares enough to show up and do something in their village that will, without a doubt, change their lives. 

Every Rotarian in Alaska is making something incredible happen.

Thank you.

-Adam Hays
Research Director
Hays Research Group LLC